In His Mighty Works

For an enduring span,
I dwelled in anguish’s grasp,
Fearful of life’s collapse,
Yet my faith remained unyielding.

Through a year’s somber reign,
Friends departed, their bonds severed,
Though I bore no fruit of worth,
Strangers, in their kindness, became kin,
As I traversed this realm’s expanse,
Ever recalling God’s unwavering grace.

A year’s duration witnessed my languish,
Sleep, a fugitive in the night,
Some days shattered by aching hearts,
Yet others, with joy unmarred,
And amidst it all, prayer endured, unbroken.

Throughout that year’s domain,
I lacked abundance in earthly means,
Yet even in paucity’s grip,
My God provided, undeterred,
Through the harshest tempests of time.

Divine love enfolds me, brethren!
I’ve ever known my blessings multiply,
I have long comprehended that I am His servant,
My trials draw me nearer to Christ,
In the face of temptation, I stood resolute.

Today, as dawn graces this distant land,
In quiet contemplation, I reflect,
The moment arrives to recount my tale,
In weakness, strength was born anew,
In poverty’s clasp, bliss found its dwelling,
I even forged a venture amidst destitution,
In lack, my stature remained unbowed,
Diminished, yet faithful, I remained.

Praise be to God, I endured,
Praise be to God, my children tread the path of time,
My son journeyed on foot to attain knowledge,
My daughter’s fifteenth celebration, a fated twist,
Yet God bestowed upon us manna,
And now, we savor the celestial bread and sustenance,
Forever shall we serve God in truth and spirit,



M Sahr Nouwah- The Hunter’s Grandson

Using poetry and storytelling to challenge issues affecting women and children within modern society, focusing on human development and fighting poverty.